Computer Repairs Portsmouth Data Recovery & Backup

Data Recovery & Backup Portsmouth
Hard Drives are another fragile component inside a laptop. They are often damaged when they experience shocks, such as the laptop is knocked. Sometimes they develop bad sectors (the area of the disk starts to physically fail), and sometimes they just fail from general electronic component failure. Whilst in an ideal world everyone would always regularly backup their data, we know that often isnt the case.
The good news is we can normally recover the data back for you. We use specialist tools and recovery software in our workshops and have a very high success rate. This is covered by our fixed fee £49.95. We have a dedicated website you can visit for this at
We also include our Standard Tasks
During the screen replacement we will also carry out our standard Fixed Fee tasks, This includes Servicing the machine making sure it has no obstructions in air flow, we carry out health checks on the machines hardware ensuring your machine is working to the best of its ability!
Its surprising how much speed we can recover from machines that do not see regular maintenance